일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
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푸르생 스토리
마운틴 블레이드 배너로드 국가 명칭 및 군부대 종류 총 정리_Mountain Blade (Banner Rod) 본문
Vlandia | 블란디아 |
Western Empire | 서 제국 |
Eastern Empire | 동 제국 |
Northern Empire | 북 제국 |
Khuzait | 쿠자이트 |
Aserai | 아세라이 |
Sturgia | 스터지아 |
Battania | 바타니아 |
블란디아 병종 총 정리 ( Vlandia Troops _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
서부 제국 ( Westren Empire Troops _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
동 제국 ( Southern Empire Troops _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 ) - 못찾음
서부 제국 ( Northern Empire Troops _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
쿠자이트 ( Khuzait Troops _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
아세라이 ( Aserai Troops _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
스터지아 ( Sturgias _ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
바타니아 (Battania_ 모드로 추가된 병종은 미포함 )
알파벳 별 병종 정리 리스트 [부대별 ID 포함] _ Name campaign.give_troopsID
AI | unarmed_ai | {=str} |
AI | unarmed_ai_2 | {=str} |
Alijin | player_char_creation_gamescom_3_f | {=!} |
Arboreal | brotherhood_of_woods_tier_3 | {=u3K1SozQ} |
Archer | archer | {=ieiqOaZp} |
Archer | archer_for_perf | {=ieiqOaZp} |
Armorer | armorer_aserai | {=jx8ohENz} |
Armorer | armorer_battania | {=jx8ohENz} |
Armorer | armorer_empire | {=jx8ohENz} |
Armorer | armorer_khuzait | {=jx8ohENz} |
Armorer | armorer_sturgia | {=jx8ohENz} |
Armorer | armorer_vlandia | {=jx8ohENz} |
Artisan Notary | artisan_notary_aserai | {=ECxiXTbF} |
Artisan Notary | artisan_notary_battania | {=ECxiXTbF} |
Artisan Notary | artisan_notary_empire | {=ECxiXTbF} |
Artisan Notary | artisan_notary_khuzait | {=ECxiXTbF} |
Artisan Notary | artisan_notary_sturgia | {=ECxiXTbF} |
Artisan Notary | artisan_notary_vlandia | {=ECxiXTbF} |
Aserai Archer | aserai_archer | {=yhBagy1Y} |
Aserai Armed Trader | armed_trader_aserai | {=8TdbKFa9} |
Aserai Caravan Guard | caravan_guard_aserai | {=yG42k5GC} |
Aserai Caravan Master | caravan_master_aserai | {=nDoENDqD} |
Aserai Faris | aserai_faris | {=jaK1A7CI} |
Aserai Footman | aserai_footman | {=wtmCSMrC} |
Aserai Gear Dummy | gear_dummy_aserai | {=!} |
Aserai Gear Dummy | gear_practice_dummy_aserai | {=!} |
Aserai Infantry | aserai_infantry | {=tke6VCV6} |
Aserai Mameluke Axeman | aserai_mameluke_axeman | {=vZlMfmng} |
Aserai Mameluke Cavalry | aserai_mameluke_cavalry | {=YUCzyA8C} |
Aserai Mameluke Guard | aserai_mameluke_guard | {=F54qLieU} |
Aserai Mameluke Heavy Cavalry | aserai_mameluke_heavy_cavalry | {=JVG0zC4e} |
Aserai Mameluke Palace Guard | mamluke_palace_guard | {=tDYfuUuU} |
Aserai Mameluke Regular | aserai_mameluke_regular | {=WJbOQSiT} |
Aserai Mameluke Soldier | aserai_mameluke_soldier | {=zEQTwpnv} |
Aserai Master Archer | aserai_master_archer | {=B4ls6R2b} |
Aserai Militia Archer | aserai_militia_archer | {=CPcJ2gRF} |
Aserai Militia Spearman | aserai_militia_spearman | {=ULaNn3pp} |
Aserai Militia Veteran Archer | aserai_militia_veteran_archer | {=tL6aGah4} |
Aserai Militia Veteran Spearman | aserai_militia_veteran_spearman | {=Pd9qAiOu} |
Aserai Peasant | village_woman_aserai | {=d6vsgKnp} |
Aserai Recruit | aserai_recruit | {=H5HJUejD} |
Aserai Skirmisher | aserai_skirmisher | {=4BxUa4Sr} |
Aserai Tribal Horseman | aserai_tribal_horseman | {=dfv7E49q} |
Aserai Tribesman | aserai_tribesman | {=arb5nRri} |
Aserai Vanguard Faris | aserai_vanguard_faris | {=AoFZUbun} |
Aserai Veteran Caravan Guard | veteran_caravan_guard_aserai | {=QlVeZvbv} |
Aserai Veteran Faris | aserai_veteran_faris | {=6oc7CXbI} |
Aserai Veteran Infantry | aserai_veteran_infantry | {=g1zvdEE3} |
Aserai Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_1_aserai | {=!} |
Aserai Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_2_aserai | {=!} |
Aserai Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_3_aserai | {=!} |
Aserai Youth | aserai_youth | {=Gvy2b4fa} |
Aserai preset | aserai_duel_preset | {=S8ElYRrb} |
Battania Gear Dummy | gear_dummy_battania | {=!} |
Battania Gear Dummy | gear_practice_dummy_battania | {=!} |
Battania Peasant | village_woman_battania | {=BmYpwIYi} |
Battania Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_1_battania | {=!} |
Battania Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_2_battania | {=!} |
Battania Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_3_battania | {=!} |
Battania preset | battania_duel_preset | {=2w6jXVzJ} |
Battanian Armed Trader | armed_trader_battania | {=v8hRrmY2} |
Battanian Caravan Guard | caravan_guard_battania | {=qfaTMEBw} |
Battanian Caravan Master | caravan_master_battania | {=LKb8DXby} |
Battanian Clan Warrior | battanian_clanwarrior | {=VtlvxEs7} |
Battanian Falxman | battanian_falxman | {=X4GvzDdW} |
Battanian Fian | battanian_fian | {=Btb7p3mD} |
Battanian Fian Champion | battanian_fian_champion | {=1zObCG2o} |
Battanian Hero | battanian_hero | {=ac8MZYne} |
Battanian Highborn Warrior | battanian_highborn_warrior | {=IHczn7ti} |
Battanian Highborn Youth | battanian_highborn_youth | {=cZms8Ivb} |
Battanian Horseman | battanian_horseman | {=2gUjKT5H} |
Battanian Militia Archer | battanian_militia_archer | {=b4QPaEnA} |
Battanian Militia Spearman | battanian_militia_spearman | {=L0cGAnWw} |
Battanian Militia Veteran Archer | battanian_militia_veteran_archer | {=i5DfUz6D} |
Battanian Militia Veteran Spearman | battanian_militia_veteran_spearman | {=IxcCmtxz} |
Battanian Mounted Skirmisher | battanian_mounted_skirmisher | {=abFIj4ZW} |
Battanian Picked Warrior | battanian_picked_warrior | {=tSc0mHy7} |
Battanian Raider | battanian_raider | {=IKvwsCaJ} |
Battanian Scout | battanian_scout | {=6C3OMP1X} |
Battanian Skirmisher | battanian_skirmisher | {=q7VeZazL} |
Battanian Trained Spearman | battanian_oathsworn | {=zkVWALaF} |
Battanian Trained Warrior | battanian_trained_warrior | {=HMHzTNqJ} |
Battanian Veteran Caravan Guard | veteran_caravan_guard_battania | {=juBPAThy} |
Battanian Veteran Falxman | battanian_veteran_falxman | {=yMqWnBfT} |
Battanian Veteran Skirmisher | battanian_veteran_skirmisher | {=lxU4pWsS} |
Battanian Volunteer | battanian_volunteer | {=GUQ3zfg2} |
Battanian Wildling | battanian_wildling | {=gyvXsXs8} |
Battanian Wood Runner | battanian_woodrunner | {=DNsbKR7B} |
Beggar | beggar_aserai | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | beggar_battania | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | beggar_empire | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | beggar_khuzait | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | beggar_sturgia | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | beggar_vlandia | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | female_beggar_aserai | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | female_beggar_battania | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | female_beggar_empire | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | female_beggar_khuzait | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | female_beggar_sturgia | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beggar | female_beggar_vlandia | {=HZRKBDyB} |
Beni Zilal Recruit | beni_zilal_tier_1 | {=uca778lM} |
Beni Zilal Royal Guard | beni_zilal_tier_3 | {=8Gh8q1PX} |
Beni Zilal Soldier | beni_zilal_tier_2 | {=9zXXes9i} |
Blacksmith | blacksmith_aserai | {=bNnQt4jN} |
Blacksmith | blacksmith_battania | {=bNnQt4jN} |
Blacksmith | blacksmith_empire | {=bNnQt4jN} |
Blacksmith | blacksmith_khuzait | {=bNnQt4jN} |
Blacksmith | blacksmith_sturgia | {=bNnQt4jN} |
Blacksmith | blacksmith_vlandia | {=bNnQt4jN} |
Boar Champion | company_of_the_boar_tier_3 | {=cSdSSXsO} |
Boar Novice | company_of_the_boar_tier_1 | {=9Bw85Elg} |
Boar Veteran | company_of_the_boar_tier_2 | {=9Ylw5Spz} |
Borrowed Troop | borrowed_troop | {=H7eELtL6} |
Bounty Hunter | player_char_creation_battania_1_f | {=3lNtvh9W} |
Bounty Hunter | player_char_creation_battania_1_m | {=3lNtvh9W} |
Bounty Hunter | player_char_creation_battania_4_f | {=3lNtvh9W} |
Bounty Hunter | player_char_creation_battania_4_m | {=3lNtvh9W} |
Brogomir | player_char_creation_gamescom_1_m | {=!} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_aserai_1_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_aserai_1_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_aserai_4_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_aserai_4_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_aserai_9_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_aserai_9_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_battania_10_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_battania_10_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_battania_8_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_battania_8_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_battania_9_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_battania_9_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_empire_10_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_empire_10_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_empire_9_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_empire_9_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_10_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_10_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_9_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_9_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_sturgia_9_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_sturgia_9_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_vlandia_10_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_vlandia_10_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_vlandia_9_f | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Caravan Guard | player_char_creation_vlandia_9_m | {=jxNe8lH2} |
Champion Fighter | champion_fighter | {=z4Ke6pJl} |
Champion Fighter | champion_fighter_for_perf | {=z4Ke6pJl} |
Child | townsman_child_aserai | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townsman_child_battania | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townsman_child_empire | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townsman_child_khuzait | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townsman_child_sturgia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townsman_child_vlandia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townsman_infant_khuzait | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townswoman_child_aserai | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townswoman_child_battania | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townswoman_child_empire | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townswoman_child_khuzait | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townswoman_child_sturgia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | townswoman_child_vlandia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | village_woman_child_aserai | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | village_woman_child_battania | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | village_woman_child_empire | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | village_woman_child_khuzait | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | village_woman_child_sturgia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | village_woman_child_vlandia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | villager_child_aserai | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | villager_child_battania | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | villager_child_empire | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | villager_child_khuzait | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | villager_child_sturgia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Child | villager_child_vlandia | {=pOCOS8um} |
Chosen Wolf | wolfskins_tier_3 | {=QvSmhaAV} |
Crazy Man | crazy_man | {=SDRIahK8} |
Crazy Man | crazy_man_for_perf | {=!} |
Crazy Man T3 | crazy_man_test13 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T4 | crazy_man_test1 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T4 | crazy_man_test14 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T4 | crazy_man_test9 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T5 | crazy_man_test10 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T5 | crazy_man_test15 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T5 | crazy_man_test2 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T6 | crazy_man_test0 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T6 | crazy_man_test12 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T6 | crazy_man_test3 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T7 | crazy_man_test11 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T7 | crazy_man_test4 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T7 | crazy_man_test5 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T7 | crazy_man_test6 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T7 | crazy_man_test7 | {=!} |
Crazy Man T7 | crazy_man_test8 | {=!} |
Crazy Man Without Weapon | crazy_man_test_naked | {=!} |
Crazy Man Without Weapon | crazy_man_test_without_weapons | {=!} |
Dancer | female_dancer_aserai | {=X3KYysuv} |
Dancer | female_dancer_battania | {=X3KYysuv} |
Dancer | female_dancer_empire | {=X3KYysuv} |
Dancer | female_dancer_khuzait | {=X3KYysuv} |
Dancer | female_dancer_sturgia | {=X3KYysuv} |
Dancer | female_dancer_vlandia | {=X3KYysuv} |
Doctor | player_char_creation_empire_2_f | {=noTLVPDD} |
Doctor | player_char_creation_empire_2_m | {=noTLVPDD} |
Doctor | player_char_creation_empire_5_f | {=noTLVPDD} |
Doctor | player_char_creation_empire_5_m | {=noTLVPDD} |
Dranton | dranton | {=BbTpfJ7G} |
Empire Gear Dummy | gear_dummy_empire | {=!} |
Empire Gear Dummy | gear_practice_dummy_empire | {=!} |
Empire Peasant | village_woman_empire | {=KtqB640w} |
Empire Tribesman | empire_duel_preset | {=cte0zSCz} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_archer | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_crossbowman | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_horse_archer | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_horseman | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_lancer | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_one_handed | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_dummy_two_handed | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_1_empire | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_2_empire | {=!} |
Empire Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_3_empire | {=!} |
Engineering | player_char_creation_vlandia_2_f | {=PCZ23wvW} |
Engineering | player_char_creation_vlandia_2_m | {=PCZ23wvW} |
Engineering | player_char_creation_vlandia_5_f | {=PCZ23wvW} |
Engineering | player_char_creation_vlandia_5_m | {=PCZ23wvW} |
Expert Eleftheroi | eleftheroi_tier_2 | {=qBVNIhme} |
Expert Forester | forest_people_tier_2 | {=2HDPaohZ} |
Expert Guardian | guardians_tier_2 | {=cMcGn6n3} |
Expert Oath Keeper | embers_of_flame_tier_2 | {=bYn4ad1t} |
Expert Thug | gangster_2 | {=7aRhhGAs} |
Game Host | taverngamehost_aserai | {=twCIejxn} |
Game Host | taverngamehost_battania | {=twCIejxn} |
Game Host | taverngamehost_empire | {=twCIejxn} |
Game Host | taverngamehost_khuzait | {=twCIejxn} |
Game Host | taverngamehost_sturgia | {=twCIejxn} |
Game Host | taverngamehost_vlandia | {=twCIejxn} |
Gang Leader Bodyguard | gangleader_bodyguard_aserai | {=LNNXiPyV} |
Gang Leader Bodyguard | gangleader_bodyguard_battania | {=LNNXiPyV} |
Gang Leader Bodyguard | gangleader_bodyguard_empire | {=LNNXiPyV} |
Gang Leader Bodyguard | gangleader_bodyguard_khuzait | {=LNNXiPyV} |
Gang Leader Bodyguard | gangleader_bodyguard_sturgia | {=LNNXiPyV} |
Gang Leader Bodyguard | gangleader_bodyguard_vlandia | {=LNNXiPyV} |
Ghilman | ghilman_tier_2 | {=H5iWxbbl} |
Ghulam | ghilman_tier_3 | {=7EUhAv8b} |
Guard | guard_aserai | {=1sJcKkVP} |
Guard | guard_battania | {=1sJcKkVP} |
Guard | guard_empire | {=1sJcKkVP} |
Guard | guard_khuzait | {=1sJcKkVP} |
Guard | guard_sturgia | {=1sJcKkVP} |
Guard | guard_vlandia | {=1sJcKkVP} |
Guardian Recruit | guardians_tier_1 | {=rtOJNB6u} |
Hastati | legion_of_the_betrayed_tier_1 | {=G9ByT85b} |
Hidden Hand | hidden_hand_tier_2 | {=MVHawAEp} |
Hidden Pawn | hidden_hand_tier_1 | {=ehACDRBk} |
Higher Average Armor (37) | dummy_medium_armor | {=!} |
Hired Blade | mercenary_7 | {=R74i2pQz} |
Hired Crossbow | mercenary_8 | {=QfVe3IVw} |
Horse Archer | horse_archer | {=ugJfuabA} |
Horse Trader | horseMerchant_aserai | {=79ElOr2x} |
Horse Trader | horseMerchant_battania | {=79ElOr2x} |
Horse Trader | horseMerchant_empire | {=79ElOr2x} |
Horse Trader | horseMerchant_khuzait | {=79ElOr2x} |
Horse Trader | horseMerchant_sturgia | {=79ElOr2x} |
Horse Trader | horseMerchant_vlandia | {=79ElOr2x} |
Horseman | horseman | {=uh4rIbZ9} |
Huskarl Swordsman | huskarl_swordsman | {=jFQPRvLg} |
Imperial Archer | imperial_archer | {=LbjxH9yp} |
Imperial Armed Trader | armed_trader_empire | {=LEJukldW} |
Imperial Bucellarii | bucellarii | {=pRbbJHkU} |
Imperial Caravan Guard | caravan_guard_empire | {=TbBnWiao} |
Imperial Caravan Master | caravan_master_empire | {=TpECDErA} |
Imperial Cataphract | imperial_cataphract | {=u0UNwnw2} |
Imperial Crossbowman | imperial_crossbowman | {=UdTc1PGo} |
Imperial Elite Cataphract | imperial_elite_cataphract | {=MYwUFMsz} |
Imperial Elite Menavliaton | imperial_elite_menavliaton | {=qAsnj7vU} |
Imperial Equite | imperial_equite | {=1PsLlMaQ} |
Imperial Heavy Horseman | imperial_heavy_horseman | {=eYIMQafj} |
Imperial Infantryman | imperial_infantryman | {=IfjWyWjc} |
Imperial Legionary | imperial_legionary | {=JGsUtBT3} |
Imperial Menavliaton | imperial_menavliaton | {=e8qbF7Ey} |
Imperial Militia Archer | imperial_militia_archer | {=P8EATvn8} |
Imperial Militia Spearman | imperial_militia_spearman | {=ZhKoCVby} |
Imperial Militia Veteran Archer | imperial_militia_veteran_archer | {=HsboF2mR} |
Imperial Militia Veteran Spearman | imperial_militia_veteran_spearman | {=c5rVdg75} |
Imperial Palatine Guard | imperial_palatine_guard | {=CDUvlu4d} |
Imperial Recruit | imperial_recruit | {=s3IJIFUw} |
Imperial Sergeant Crossbowman | imperial_sergeant_crossbowman | {=THyv3q9f} |
Imperial Signifier | spear_test | {=QNKfXvuA} |
Imperial Soldier | coop_character | {=i5QgQbRi} |
Imperial Trained Archer | imperial_trained_archer | {=fHQ8ifKM} |
Imperial Trained Infantryman | imperial_trained_infantryman | {=IZ8OmByJ} |
Imperial Veteran Archer | imperial_veteran_archer | {=8bA4PvdG} |
Imperial Veteran Caravan Guard | veteran_caravan_guard_empire | {=bLq2HXMo} |
Imperial Veteran Infantryman | imperial_veteran_infantryman | {=yrGYZsQ7} |
Imperial Vigla Recruit | imperial_vigla_recruit | {=n41jlEa3} |
Infant | townsman_infant_aserai | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townsman_infant_battania | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townsman_infant_empire | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townsman_infant_sturgia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townsman_infant_vlandia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townswoman_infant_aserai | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townswoman_infant_battania | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townswoman_infant_empire | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townswoman_infant_khuzait | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townswoman_infant_sturgia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | townswoman_infant_vlandia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | village_woman_infant_aserai | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | village_woman_infant_battania | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | village_woman_infant_empire | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | village_woman_infant_khuzait | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | village_woman_infant_sturgia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | village_woman_infant_vlandia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | villager_infant_aserai | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | villager_infant_battania | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | villager_infant_empire | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | villager_infant_khuzait | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | villager_infant_sturgia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Infant | villager_infant_vlandia | {=9Di0NfG2} |
Jawwal Bedouin | jawwal_tier_3 | {=qAvxmnav} |
Jawwal Camel Rider | jawwal_tier_2 | {=Mcbjdntz} |
Jawwal Recruit | jawwal_tier_1 | {=vxlAJIiU} |
Judge | steward_aserai | {=ZRkceJx3} |
Judge | steward_battania | {=ZRkceJx3} |
Judge | steward_empire | {=ZRkceJx3} |
Judge | steward_khuzait | {=ZRkceJx3} |
Judge | steward_sturgia | {=ZRkceJx3} |
Judge | steward_vlandia | {=ZRkceJx3} |
Karakhuzait Elder | karakhuzaits_tier_3 | {=gBuGfUg3} |
Karakhuzait Nomad | karakhuzaits_tier_1 | {=xIFHLI66} |
Karakhuzait Rider | karakhuzaits_tier_2 | {=lduchnvD} |
Kern | galloglass_tier_2 | {=Rj0bNOOh} |
Khuzait Archer | khuzait_archer | {=lkrV8jZa} |
Khuzait Armed Trader | armed_trader_khuzait | {=l6NFOl8c} |
Khuzait Caravan Guard | caravan_guard_khuzait | {=THOfB9DZ} |
Khuzait Caravan Master | caravan_master_khuzait | {=WEHDGbEE} |
Khuzait Darkhan | khuzait_darkhan | {=ZSU7sMYX} |
Khuzait Footman | khuzait_footman | {=uzwfybTH} |
Khuzait Gear Dummy | gear_dummy_khuzait | {=!} |
Khuzait Gear Dummy | gear_practice_dummy_khuzait | {=!} |
Khuzait Gear Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_1_khuzait | {=!} |
Khuzait Heavy Horse Archer | khuzait_heavy_horse_archer | {=KAJKOooN} |
Khuzait Heavy Lancer | khuzait_heavy_lancer | {=cP1bu5GK} |
Khuzait Horse Archer | khuzait_horse_archer | {=eHVgfyPH} |
Khuzait Horseman | khuzait_horseman | {=iXjMfCyp} |
Khuzait Hunter | khuzait_hunter | {=Loc1XOIk} |
Khuzait Khan's Guard | khuzait_khans_guard | {=B7oI7AZG} |
Khuzait Kheshig | khuzait_kheshig | {=VqrQ096u} |
Khuzait Lancer | khuzait_lancer | {=lumFaIud} |
Khuzait Marksman | khuzait_marksman | {=DlIU2vJB} |
Khuzait Militia Archer | khuzait_militia_archer | {=CKoq1wQa} |
Khuzait Militia Spearman | khuzait_militia_spearman | {=MDIuyBHP} |
Khuzait Militia Veteran Archer | khuzait_militia_veteran_archer | {=5JFkQn5U} |
Khuzait Militia Veteran Spearman | khuzait_militia_veteran_spearman | {=f2a1fPca} |
Khuzait Noble's Son | khuzait_noble_son | {=ZKuabzhK} |
Khuzait Nomad | khuzait_nomad | {=rIqwYlSK} |
Khuzait Peasant | village_woman_khuzait | {=LFUaO6rG} |
Khuzait Qanqli | khuzait_qanqli | {=UYPaQP2j} |
Khuzait Raider | khuzait_raider | {=o1jvmi9P} |
Khuzait Spear Infantry | khuzait_spear_infantry | {=6UFEfIJV} |
Khuzait Spearman | khuzait_spearman | {=w6YwFaG7} |
Khuzait Torguud | khuzait_torguud | {=QhNpvW0Y} |
Khuzait Tribal Warrior | khuzait_tribal_warrior | {=kppseK3N} |
Khuzait Veteran Caravan Guard | veteran_caravan_guard_khuzait | {=6hhspFvz} |
Khuzait Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_2_khuzait | {=!} |
Khuzait Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_3_khuzait | {=!} |
Khuzait preset | khuzait_duel_preset | {=DvHR91Ca} |
Koleman | ghilman_tier_1 | {=KnhpjA7Y} |
Kradus | kradus | {=9GIK6fnm} |
Lake Rat Recruit | lakepike_tier_1 | {=6j9iJMRr} |
Lake Rat Veteran | lakepike_tier_2 | {=1gAasy1t} |
Lake Rat Wrecker | lakepike_tier_3 | {=BC5YGna3} |
Legionary | player_char_creation_empire_1_f | {=CAYZDsAj} |
Legionary | player_char_creation_empire_1_m | {=CAYZDsAj} |
Legionary | player_char_creation_empire_4_f | {=CAYZDsAj} |
Legionary | player_char_creation_empire_4_m | {=CAYZDsAj} |
Lower Average Armor (12) | dummy_light_armor | {=!} |
Magistrate | player_char_creation_empire_3_f | {=mzyc3bms} |
Magistrate | player_char_creation_empire_3_m | {=mzyc3bms} |
Magistrate | player_char_creation_empire_6_f | {=mzyc3bms} |
Magistrate | player_char_creation_empire_6_m | {=mzyc3bms} |
Main Hero | main_hero_for_perf | {=oXAbblBV} |
Master Thug | gangster_3 | {=V1hoeBch} |
Max Armor (55) | dummy_heavy_armor | {=!} |
Mercenary Cavalry | mercenary_9 | {=SaqVvzyV} |
Mercenary Crossbowman | mercenary_5 | {=PgOknaEN} |
Mercenary Guard | mercenary_2 | {=0GKH29JG} |
Mercenary Horseman | mercenary_6 | {=AssCCFew} |
Mercenary Scout | mercenary_3 | {=xaYwo9tM} |
Mercenary Swordsman | mercenary_4 | {=Mgr6qv1j} |
Merchant Notary | merchant_notary_aserai | {=reoVAtrE} |
Merchant Notary | merchant_notary_battania | {=reoVAtrE} |
Merchant Notary | merchant_notary_empire | {=reoVAtrE} |
Merchant Notary | merchant_notary_khuzait | {=reoVAtrE} |
Merchant Notary | merchant_notary_sturgia | {=reoVAtrE} |
Merchant Notary | merchant_notary_vlandia | {=reoVAtrE} |
Min Armor (0) | dummy_no_armor | {=!} |
Minstrel | brother_char_creation_aserai | {=!} |
Minstrel | brother_char_creation_battania | {=!} |
Minstrel | brother_char_creation_empire | {=!} |
Minstrel | brother_char_creation_khuzait | {=!} |
Minstrel | brother_char_creation_sturgia | {=!} |
Minstrel | brother_char_creation_vlandia | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_1_f | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_1_m | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_2_f | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_2_m | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_3_f | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_3_m | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_4_f | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_4_m | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_5_f | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_5_m | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_6_f | {=!} |
Minstrel | player_char_creation_sturgia_6_m | {=!} |
Musician | musician_aserai | {=zfCoeglY} |
Musician | musician_battania | {=zfCoeglY} |
Musician | musician_empire | {=zfCoeglY} |
Musician | musician_khuzait | {=zfCoeglY} |
Musician | musician_sturgia | {=zfCoeglY} |
Musician | musician_vlandia | {=zfCoeglY} |
Nomad | player_char_creation_khuzait_3_f | {=afhXdjBU} |
Nomad | player_char_creation_khuzait_3_m | {=afhXdjBU} |
Nomad | player_char_creation_khuzait_6_f | {=afhXdjBU} |
Nomad | player_char_creation_khuzait_6_m | {=afhXdjBU} |
Oath Keeper Recruit | embers_of_flame_tier_1 | {=80plewQ1} |
Outlaw | player_char_creation_battania_3_f | {=GopVkA1q} |
Outlaw | player_char_creation_battania_3_m | {=GopVkA1q} |
Outlaw | player_char_creation_battania_6_f | {=GopVkA1q} |
Outlaw | player_char_creation_battania_6_m | {=GopVkA1q} |
Palace Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_1_f | {=Cc3knKFB} |
Palace Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_1_m | {=Cc3knKFB} |
Palace Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_4_f | {=Cc3knKFB} |
Palace Guard | player_char_creation_khuzait_4_m | {=Cc3knKFB} |
PreacherNotary | preacher_notary_aserai | {=bLMGbLF8} |
PreacherNotary | preacher_notary_battania | {=bLMGbLF8} |
PreacherNotary | preacher_notary_empire | {=bLMGbLF8} |
PreacherNotary | preacher_notary_khuzait | {=bLMGbLF8} |
PreacherNotary | preacher_notary_sturgia | {=bLMGbLF8} |
PreacherNotary | preacher_notary_vlandia | {=bLMGbLF8} |
Principes | legion_of_the_betrayed_tier_2 | {=qMYpZKWo} |
Prison Guard | prison_guard_aserai | {=XgjXfmM1} |
Prison Guard | prison_guard_battania | {=XgjXfmM1} |
Prison Guard | prison_guard_empire | {=XgjXfmM1} |
Prison Guard | prison_guard_khuzait | {=XgjXfmM1} |
Prison Guard | prison_guard_sturgia | {=XgjXfmM1} |
Prison Guard | prison_guard_vlandia | {=XgjXfmM1} |
Puppeteer | hidden_hand_tier_3 | {=PU2zIMu0} |
Ransom Broker | ransom_broker_aserai | {=W2WXkiAh} |
Ransom Broker | ransom_broker_battania | {=W2WXkiAh} |
Ransom Broker | ransom_broker_empire | {=W2WXkiAh} |
Ransom Broker | ransom_broker_khuzait | {=W2WXkiAh} |
Ransom Broker | ransom_broker_sturgia | {=W2WXkiAh} |
Ransom Broker | ransom_broker_vlandia | {=W2WXkiAh} |
Recruit Eleftheroi | eleftheroi_tier_1 | {=S6BosJUq} |
Recruit Forester | forest_people_tier_1 | {=h7nGFImt} |
Redshank | galloglass_tier_3 | {=ta34CxLs} |
Regular Fighter | regular_fighter | {=YIuBzk88} |
RuralNotableNotary | rural_notable_notary_aserai | {=AlmaRAib} |
RuralNotableNotary | rural_notable_notary_battania | {=AlmaRAib} |
RuralNotableNotary | rural_notable_notary_empire | {=AlmaRAib} |
RuralNotableNotary | rural_notable_notary_khuzait | {=AlmaRAib} |
RuralNotableNotary | rural_notable_notary_sturgia | {=AlmaRAib} |
RuralNotableNotary | rural_notable_notary_vlandia | {=AlmaRAib} |
Sapling | brotherhood_of_woods_tier_2 | {=riT39wKu} |
Scholar | player_char_creation_aserai_2_f | {=7JZPTbxB} |
Scholar | player_char_creation_aserai_2_m | {=7JZPTbxB} |
Scholar | player_char_creation_aserai_5_f | {=7JZPTbxB} |
Scholar | player_char_creation_aserai_5_m | {=7JZPTbxB} |
Seasoned Wolf | wolfskins_tier_2 | {=q7b4pQc9} |
Shop Keeper | shop_keeper | {=PJNW1UWK} |
Shop Worker | shop_worker_aserai | {=275LD0Gh} |
Shop Worker | shop_worker_battania | {=275LD0Gh} |
Shop Worker | shop_worker_empire | {=275LD0Gh} |
Shop Worker | shop_worker_khuzait | {=275LD0Gh} |
Shop Worker | shop_worker_sturgia | {=275LD0Gh} |
Shop Worker | shop_worker_vlandia | {=275LD0Gh} |
Skene | galloglass_tier_1 | {=Qo2cc7bF} |
Skolder Recruit | skolderbrotva_tier_1 | {=uViDMxLC} |
Skolder Veteran Brotva | skolderbrotva_tier_3 | {=YGexslSX} |
Skolder Warrior Brotva | skolderbrotva_tier_2 | {=LXybWXde} |
Sprout | brotherhood_of_woods_tier_1 | {=DIt9SuMb} |
Squire | player_char_creation_vlandia_1_f | {=GGVehOu9} |
Squire | player_char_creation_vlandia_1_m | {=GGVehOu9} |
Squire | player_char_creation_vlandia_4_f | {=GGVehOu9} |
Squire | player_char_creation_vlandia_4_m | {=GGVehOu9} |
Sturgia Gear Dummy | gear_dummy_sturgia | {=!} |
Sturgia Gear Dummy | gear_practice_dummy_sturgia | {=!} |
Sturgia Peasant | village_woman_sturgia | {=0Xku0LQD} |
Sturgia Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_1_sturgia | {=!} |
Sturgia Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_2_sturgia | {=!} |
Sturgia Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_3_sturgia | {=!} |
Sturgia preset | sturgia_duel_preset | {=bFyidmyK} |
Sturgian Archer | sturgian_archer | {=1WfDVpya} |
Sturgian Armed Trader | armed_trader_sturgia | {=cPQx1RXt} |
Sturgian Berserker | sturgian_berzerker | {=a9b2fKYR} |
Sturgian Brigand | sturgian_brigand | {=RJNNsaSP} |
Sturgian Caravan Guard | caravan_guard_sturgia | {=pzmgMODE} |
Sturgian Caravan Master | caravan_master_sturgia | {=uDseaKcb} |
Sturgian Druzhinnik | druzhinnik | {=CRzrHomf} |
Sturgian Druzhinnik Champion | druzhinnik_champion | {=FrTTT0G1} |
Sturgian Hardened Brigand | sturgian_hardened_brigand | {=VbWtdAWn} |
Sturgian Horse Raider | sturgian_horse_raider | {=xnzpQbwQ} |
Sturgian Hunter | sturgian_hunter | {=i17zuvS4} |
Sturgian Militia Archer | sturgian_militia_archer | {=jRFfRZv2} |
Sturgian Militia Spearman | sturgian_militia_spearman | {=Zmajp2o1} |
Sturgian Militia Veteran Archer | sturgian_militia_veteran_archer | {=gZ4JeEw4} |
Sturgian Militia Veteran Spearman | sturgian_militia_veteran_spearman | {=LVEU4se3} |
Sturgian Recruit | sturgian_recruit | {=BBJKgKj2} |
Sturgian Shock Troop | sturgian_shock_troop | {=iZqYAIQy} |
Sturgian Soldier | sturgian_soldier | {=brlJJW5I} |
Sturgian Spearman | sturgian_spearman | {=CfO7eDsv} |
Sturgian Ulfhednar | sturgian_ulfhednar | {=k4EiLrU0} |
Sturgian Veteran Bowman | sturgian_veteran_bowman | {=7WWUxI6y} |
Sturgian Veteran Caravan Guard | veteran_caravan_guard_sturgia | {=0GkJB08d} |
Sturgian Veteran Warrior | sturgian_veteran_warrior | {=xiuAStPO} |
Sturgian Warrior | sturgian_warrior | {=96pj2wxH} |
Sturgian Warrior Son | sturgian_warrior_son | {=auxU5OGA} |
Sturgian Woodsman | sturgian_woodsman | {=fdaZ3tri} |
Sword Sister | sword_sister | {=ZK0GXYCx} |
Tavern Keeper | tavernkeeper_aserai | {=CsjtWt1g} |
Tavern Keeper | tavernkeeper_battania | {=CsjtWt1g} |
Tavern Keeper | tavernkeeper_empire | {=CsjtWt1g} |
Tavern Keeper | tavernkeeper_khuzait | {=CsjtWt1g} |
Tavern Keeper | tavernkeeper_sturgia | {=CsjtWt1g} |
Tavern Keeper | tavernkeeper_vlandia | {=CsjtWt1g} |
Tavern Maid | tavern_wench_aserai | {=z6RMWTaA} |
Tavern Maid | tavern_wench_battania | {=z6RMWTaA} |
Tavern Maid | tavern_wench_empire | {=z6RMWTaA} |
Tavern Maid | tavern_wench_khuzait | {=z6RMWTaA} |
Tavern Maid | tavern_wench_sturgia | {=z6RMWTaA} |
Tavern Maid | tavern_wench_vlandia | {=z6RMWTaA} |
Teenager | townsman_teenager_aserai | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townsman_teenager_battania | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townsman_teenager_empire | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townsman_teenager_khuzait | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townsman_teenager_sturgia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townsman_teenager_vlandia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townswoman_teenager_aserai | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townswoman_teenager_battania | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townswoman_teenager_empire | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townswoman_teenager_khuzait | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townswoman_teenager_sturgia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | townswoman_teenager_vlandia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | village_woman_teenager_aserai | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | village_woman_teenager_battania | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | village_woman_teenager_empire | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | village_woman_teenager_khuzait | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | village_woman_teenager_sturgia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | village_woman_teenager_vlandia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | villager_teenager_aserai | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | villager_teenager_battania | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | villager_teenager_empire | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | villager_teenager_khuzait | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | villager_teenager_sturgia | {=o077j2j5} |
Teenager | villager_teenager_vlandia | {=o077j2j5} |
Thief | player_char_creation_aserai_3_f | {=eWRlQ4XU} |
Thief | player_char_creation_aserai_3_m | {=eWRlQ4XU} |
Thief | player_char_creation_aserai_6_f | {=eWRlQ4XU} |
Thief | player_char_creation_aserai_6_m | {=eWRlQ4XU} |
Thug | gangster_1 | {=fxGlBFPk} |
Tournament Master | tournament_master_aserai | {=IHKXNP9H} |
Tournament Master | tournament_master_battania | {=IHKXNP9H} |
Tournament Master | tournament_master_empire | {=IHKXNP9H} |
Tournament Master | tournament_master_khuzait | {=IHKXNP9H} |
Tournament Master | tournament_master_sturgia | {=IHKXNP9H} |
Tournament Master | tournament_master_vlandia | {=IHKXNP9H} |
Townsman | townsman_aserai | {=muu5cofb} |
Townsman | townsman_battania | {=muu5cofb} |
Townsman | townsman_empire | {=muu5cofb} |
Townsman | townsman_khuzait | {=muu5cofb} |
Townsman | townsman_sturgia | {=muu5cofb} |
Townsman | townsman_vlandia | {=muu5cofb} |
Trader | merchant_aserai | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | merchant_battania | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | merchant_empire | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | merchant_sturgia | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | merchant_vlandia | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | player_char_creation_vlandia_3_f | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | player_char_creation_vlandia_3_m | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | player_char_creation_vlandia_6_f | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | player_char_creation_vlandia_6_m | {=thbcgVVO} |
Trader | merchant_khuzait | {=kPCcelVX} |
Triarii | legion_of_the_betrayed_tier_3 | {=cOt1onbR} |
Valtis | player_char_creation_gamescom_2_m | {=!} |
Varyag | varyag | {=4C4WiTb2} |
Varyag Veteran | varyag_veteran | {=QGPAEtj7} |
Veteran Borrowed Troop | veteran_borrowed_troop | {=S9z09NaN} |
Veteran Eleftheroi | eleftheroi_tier_3 | {=cEKbOxRA} |
Veteran Fighter | veteran_fighter | {=Za4B0blc} |
Veteran Forester | forest_people_tier_3 | {=ueasbGtd} |
Veteran Guardian | guardians_tier_3 | {=WNU7kE5N} |
Veteran Oath Keeper | embers_of_flame_tier_3 | {=nsyTIbtp} |
Vlandia Gear Dummy | gear_dummy_vlandia | {=!} |
Vlandia Gear Dummy | gear_practice_dummy_vlandia | {=!} |
Vlandia Peasant | village_woman_vlandia | {=JMZiICD8} |
Vlandia Tribesman | vlandia_duel_preset | {=pzKCIEaK} |
Vlandia Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_1_vlandia | {=!} |
Vlandia Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_2_vlandia | {=!} |
Vlandia Weapon Dummy | weapon_practice_stage_3_vlandia | {=!} |
Vlandian Armed Trader | armed_trader_vlandia | {=X12lazIs} |
Vlandian Banner Knight | vlandian_banner_knight | {=bTApMxWr} |
Vlandian Billman | vlandian_billman | {=5b6KjY5b} |
Vlandian Caravan Guard | caravan_guard_vlandia | {=rQ0t0Wws} |
Vlandian Caravan Master | caravan_master_vlandia | {=QbSjMefR} |
Vlandian Champion | vlandian_champion | {=3VosbFR0} |
Vlandian Crossbowman | vlandian_crossbowman | {=kih9DwL4} |
Vlandian Footman | vlandian_footman | {=yPF32fbh} |
Vlandian Gallant | vlandian_gallant | {=OQPDvtpk} |
Vlandian Hardened Crossbowman | vlandian_hardened_crossbowman | {=acubGB3g} |
Vlandian Infantry | vlandian_infantry | {=SAILNYbu} |
Vlandian Knight | vlandian_knight | {=oseSwa56} |
Vlandian Levy Crossbowman | vlandian_levy_crossbowman | {=SvAADOwm} |
Vlandian Light Cavalry | vlandian_light_cavalry | {=AloMryIU} |
Vlandian Militia Archer | vlandian_militia_archer | {=vkuJeNSa} |
Vlandian Militia Spearman | vlandian_militia_spearman | {=aUHtqC9o} |
Vlandian Militia Veteran Archer | vlandian_militia_veteran_archer | {=DNIa6a5p} |
Vlandian Militia Veteran Spearman | vlandian_militia_veteran_spearman | {=vGFdbjFC} |
Vlandian Pikeman | vlandian_pikeman | {=Si5ZCb1O} |
Vlandian Recruit | vlandian_recruit | {=GEnwDYp1} |
Vlandian Sergeant | vlandian_sergeant | {=nPyqHxmf} |
Vlandian Sharpshooter | vlandian_sharpshooter | {=X6CQ9CMZ} |
Vlandian Spearman | vlandian_spearman | {=Gd0y7SxJ} |
Vlandian Squire | vlandian_squire | {=XzDObEiH} |
Vlandian Swordsman | vlandian_swordsman | {=pooybAKI} |
Vlandian Vanguard | vlandian_vanguard | {=8PLgCsiR} |
Vlandian Veteran Caravan Guard | veteran_caravan_guard_vlandia | {=YE4RGuzU} |
Vlandian Voulgier | vlandian_voulgier | {=UrSjhs4x} |
Warrior | player_char_creation_khuzait_2_f | {=bHx8jaeI} |
Warrior | player_char_creation_khuzait_2_m | {=bHx8jaeI} |
Warrior | player_char_creation_khuzait_5_f | {=bHx8jaeI} |
Warrior | player_char_creation_khuzait_5_m | {=bHx8jaeI} |
Watchman | mercenary_1 | {=RYP9hzIy} |
Weaponsmith | player_char_creation_battania_2_f | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | player_char_creation_battania_2_m | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | player_char_creation_battania_5_f | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | player_char_creation_battania_5_m | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | weaponsmith_aserai | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | weaponsmith_battania | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | weaponsmith_empire | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | weaponsmith_khuzait | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | weaponsmith_sturgia | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Weaponsmith | weaponsmith_vlandia | {=UaN2lfwi} |
Xerina | xerina | {=DNTUqbGo} |
Young Wolf | wolfskins_tier_1 | {=mrBbsiPN} |
disguise_equipment_set | npc_disguised_hero_template | {=sMI3wMZu} |
each with axe and shield | duel_style_sturgian_0 | {=KPrRxeC3} |
sword to sword | duel_style_empire | {=V7iJlSuT} |
tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v4 | tournament_template_aserai_four_participant_set_v4 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_one_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_aserai_one_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_two_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_aserai_two_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_two_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_aserai_two_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_aserai_two_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_aserai_two_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_four_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_battania_four_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_four_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_battania_four_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_four_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_battania_four_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_one_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_battania_one_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_one_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_battania_one_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v4 | tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v4 | {=!} |
tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v5 | tournament_template_battania_two_participant_set_v5 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_four_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_empire_four_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_four_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_empire_four_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_four_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_empire_four_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_one_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_empire_one_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_two_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_empire_two_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_two_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_empire_two_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_empire_two_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_empire_two_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_four_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_khuzait_four_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_four_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_khuzait_four_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_four_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_khuzait_four_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_one_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_khuzait_one_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_one_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_khuzait_one_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_two_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_khuzait_two_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_two_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_khuzait_two_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_khuzait_two_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_khuzait_two_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_four_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_sturgia_four_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_four_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_sturgia_four_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_four_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_sturgia_four_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_one_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_sturgia_one_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_one_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_sturgia_one_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_two_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_sturgia_two_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_two_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_sturgia_two_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_sturgia_two_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_sturgia_two_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v4 | tournament_template_vlandia_four_participant_set_v4 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_one_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_vlandia_one_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_one_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_vlandia_one_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_one_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_vlandia_one_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v1 | tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v1 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v2 | tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v2 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v3 | tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v3 | {=!} |
tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v4 | tournament_template_vlandia_two_participant_set_v4 | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | baby_char_creation | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | duel_style_sturgian_1 | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_1_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_1_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_1_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_1_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_1_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_1_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_2_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_2_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_2_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_2_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_2_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_2_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_3_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_3_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_3_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_3_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_3_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_3_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_4_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_4_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_4_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_4_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_4_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_4_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_5_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_5_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_5_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_5_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_5_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_5_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_6_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_6_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_6_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_6_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_6_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | father_char_creation_6_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_1_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_1_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_1_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_1_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_1_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_1_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_2_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_2_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_2_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_2_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_2_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_2_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_3_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_3_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_3_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_3_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_3_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_3_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_4_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_4_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_4_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_4_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_4_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_4_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_5_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_5_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_5_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_5_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_5_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_5_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_6_aserai | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_6_battania | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_6_empire | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_6_khuzait | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_6_sturgia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | mother_char_creation_6_vlandia | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_aserai | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_battania | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_aserai_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_battania_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_empire_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_khuzait_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_sturgia_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_childhood_age_vlandia_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_default | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_aserai_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_battania_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_empire_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_khuzait_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_sturgia_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_1_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_1_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_2_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_2_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_3_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_3_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_4_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_4_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_5_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_5_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_6_f | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_education_age_vlandia_6_m | {=KqpiU4tH} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_empire | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_khuzait | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_sturgia | {=!} |
with two-handed swords | player_char_creation_vlandia |
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